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IPRA Community Calendar

Easter Egg Hunt

 Saturday, March 24 10:00 am - Tuesday, December 12 10:00 am

All little bunnies are invited to hop on over for the annual Easter Egg Hunt! Be sure to see the Easter Bunny. Everyone should meet at the pavilion by 9:45 am! Group leaders will divide children into age groups and take them to their separate hunt areas. At 10:00 am the hunt will begin! Don't forget a basket to hold all those goodies. In the spirit of the event, participants are asked to please bring a non-perishable food item or paper product to be donated to the Batavia Food Pantry. Please carpool. Parking space is limited.

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 West Main Park Shelter

40W101 W. Main St.
Batavia Illinois 60150


Brittany Bruno